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K Education Centre                        "where learning is a journey"                       

GCSE Chemistry Assignments

Periodic Table Insert
Aqa Insert Periodic table.PDF
PDF File [258.7 KB]
Edexcel Chemistry - Earth's Atmosphere
Chemistry Edexcel - Earths Atmosphere.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [182.7 KB]
Chemistry C 4 - Chemical calculations part1
This assignment should be done by both AQA and Edexcel learners.
Chemistry C4 - Chemical Calculations .pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [239.1 KB]
Edexcel Chemistry - Hydrocarbons -1
Topics Include : Alkanes , Fractional Distillation
Chemistry Edexcel - Hydrocarbons Part-1[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [210.9 KB]
Edexcel Chemistry - Rates of Reaction
Edexcel Chemistry - Rates of Reaction .[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [983.5 KB]
SC 10 - Extracting Metals and Equilibria
Chemistry Edexcel SC 10 - Extracting Met[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [244.6 KB]
C6 - Electrolysis
Chemistry C6 - Electrolysis.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [186.5 KB]
SC9 - Electrolysis Assignment
Chemistry Edexcel SC 9 - Electrolysis.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [185.2 KB]
SC8 - Acids And Alkalis Assignment -3
Chemistry Edexcel SC-8 Acids and Alkalis[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [210.1 KB]
SC8 - Acids And Alkalis Assignment -2
Chemistry Edexcel SC-8 Acids and Alkalis[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [178.2 KB]
GCSE Chemistry (Edexcel) SC8 - Acids And Alkalis Assignment -1
Chemistry Edexcel SC-8 Acids and Alkalis[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [231.1 KB]
GCSE Chemistry (AQA)C5 - Chemical Changes Assignment -2
Chemistry C5.2- Chemical Changes Assignm[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [184.0 KB]
GCSE Chemistry (AQA) C5 - Chemical Changes
Chemistry C5 - Chemical Changes Assignm[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [180.3 KB]
GCSE Chemistry (Edexcel) SC 6 & 7 - Covalent and Metallic Bonding
Chemistry Edexcel SC-6 and 7 Covalent B[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [184.5 KB]
GCSE Chemistry (Edexcel) SC5 - Ionic Bonding
Chemistry Edexcel SC-5 Ionic Bonding.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [179.4 KB]
GCSE Chemistry( AQA) Structure and Bonding Assignment -1
Chemistry C3 - Structure and Bonding Ass[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [181.7 KB]
GCSE Chemistry (Edexcel) SC4 - Periodic Table
GCSE Chemistry Edexcel SC4 - The Periodi[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [181.8 KB]
GCSE Chemistry (AQA) Periodic Table
Chemistry C2 - The Periodic Table (AQA) [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [168.0 KB]
GCSE Chemistry (AQA) Atomic Structure Part-1 Assignment
GCSE Chemistry Atomic Structure.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [571.1 KB]
GCSE Chemistry (AQA) Atomic Structure Part-2 Assignment
GCSE Chemistry Atomic Structure part2.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [175.2 KB]
GCSE Chemistry Chemical Changes
Reactivity Series and displacement reactions
GCSE Chemistry Chemical changes.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [172.4 KB]
Atomic Structure Separation Techniques
Atomic Structure Seperation Techniques.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [163.2 KB]


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"It was helpful because physics is a very hard subject and sometimws the teacher in a school is not able to explain a topic. I can then understand the topic here and ask questions.The best thing is its one to one so you get all the attention and can ask as many questions as you like." Student A Level Physics


"Understood all topics that were taught and very productive lessons were given."  Student , A Level Chemistry


" I feel that my understanding on topics covered here are has vastly improved and I have been taught very well. With the help of worksheets provided , I think my independent learning has improved alongside." Student , A Level Chemistry


" I found this tuitition very helpful for my studies in school , and I have rapidly improve in both subjects Science and Maths." Student , GCSE Physics , Chemistry and Mathematics


" I like the way I get taught and I have really improved my mathematics , physics and chemistry." Student ,GCSE Mathematics , Physics and Chemistry



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AQA GCSE Science from 2016

Edexcel GCSE Science from 2016

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